Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Reception for participants

Please join us on Thursday morning (October 22) at 8:00 a.m. in room 401 for a reception to honor all of the kids who participated.  We had a great turnout this year and I can't wait for all of the parents to see the amazing talent that we have at Kemp.  Breakfast will be served and awards will be given.  Any artwork not moving on to the next level can go home with the parents on Thursday.  All entries that place 1st or 2nd for their category and grade will be moved on to compete at the district level. I do ask that any artwork moving on be packaged to withstand transportation and being handled by multiple people.  There will be some time for parents to repackage artwork over the weekend if their child's entry is moving on.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Remember how important the artist's statement is!!!

I have highlighted this in a post from last year; but wanted to remind everyone again.  The artist's statements on the student entry forms (link to entry form) are very important.  A great art piece with a weak statement will likely lose if up against an almost as good art piece with a great artist's statement.  Often the artists statement will be what tips one entry over another if the judge is having a hard time selecting a winner.

What does it take to be a strong statement?  Does that mean that it has to be long?  Eloquent?  No, it doesn't have to be either of those.  What it does need to do is really show why this entry relates to the theme.  I have seen some amazing statements that were only a couple of sentences long.  The kids don't need to stress about it; but they need to make sure that they explain why they feel that their entry relates to this year's theme.  I do recommend having the kids write the statement on a rough draft so that parents can check for and help with punctuation, spelling, and grammatical errors.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Getting those entries ready!

I hope that the kids have had fun and are almost ready to turn everything in. I'm excited to see if we get some 3D entries this year. I think that this is something that would be so fun for the kids! Please be sure to read over the information in the links and in this blog about packaging. For 3D entries, don't forget the photos that are needed of the entry along with safe packaging. For literature, remember a manila FOLDER is needed, manila ENVELOPES are used for film, dance, and music entries. For flat artwork and photos, please have them protected in some way. Entry forms go on the back and it is best that they be in a sheet protector. I have a few extras if anyone needs to e-mail me and ask me to send one in for your child (Reflections@Landa.org). If you need advice on how to mount a photo or artwork, please let me know. Please do not turn in a photo that is just by itself and not mounted, it is very hard to keep those safe and undamaged. The reception for all kids who participate will be at 8:00 a.m. on October 22. Parents are invited to this and food is served.